
Slide Private cloud
file sharing
for business
Securely share corporate file servers
with employees, partners and customers
across any mobile device anywhere inthe world
Free Trial
Slide Smarter file sharing
from your own servers
Add mobile access to existing file servers
Empower mobile file collaboration while retaining compliance
End-to-end encryption and auditing
Instant file sharing
for team collaboration
with added security
Securely share large files as password-protected links in emails
advanced file watermarking signatures
Full audit trail and active directory permission enforcement
free trial
about us

What is Olympus.io?

Working with coworkers, customers and partners has never been more private and secure. With Olympus.io, you can share files from your existing file servers with other employees, customers and partners globally. But unlike with other cloud services, your files remain on your servers. You retain, full control over your data and track access in real time from anywhere, on any device. From simplifying the way you manage your content to empowering global teams, Olympus.io helps remote and mobile workers be more productive than ever before.

Access and share across phones, tablets, laptops and PCs

Secure remote access to private file servers

Single sign-on works with existing corporate identity servers to simplify administration. Enforces Active Directory file permissions so only authorized users with permissions can view files. End-to-end encrypted access with clients for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android tablets and phones

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