about us
What is Olympus.io?
Working with coworkers, customers and partners has never been more private and secure. With Olympus.io, you can share files from your existing file servers with other employees, customers and partners globally. But unlike with other cloud services, your files remain on your servers. You retain, full control over your data and track access in real time from anywhere, on any device. From simplifying the way you manage your content to empowering global teams, Olympus.io helps remote and mobile workers be more productive than ever before.
our benefits
File sharing without sacrifice
Create a private file share server in minutes. Take a look at the top features to make
private file sharing safe and secure.
Access and share across phones, tablets, laptops and PCs
Secure remote access to private file servers
Single sign-on works with existing corporate identity servers to simplify administration. Enforces Active Directory file permissions so only authorized users with permissions can view files. End-to-end encrypted access with clients for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android tablets and phones
Powerful and Simple
Private secure file sharing
File storage made easy – including powerful features you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re sharing engineering, medical or legal files, HD videos, 8K imaging, audio, or simple office docs, Olympus.io simplifies your workflow.
Share from your existing file servers, whether on-premises or in the cloud. Any existing SMB/CIFS or NFS file server can be shared to mobile users without having to move data into a 3rd party SaaS offering. Meet data compliance and governance regulations with a full audit trail.
Integrates with your Active Directory or SSO environment and restricts mobile user access to those files and folders for which they have been given permission. View and monitor all remote user access in real-time via the Super Administrative Portal.
With fine-grained permission controls the Olympus.io mobile apps provide password-based access, time-based expiration and optional restriction of sharing to specific domains. Remote access file links can be generated and sent directly from the mobile device. Administrators can view in real-time all sharing activity in their Super Administrator interface.
Create shared project folders and invite employees, partners and clients for secure access. Improve collaboration productivity in work-from-home situations without creating more storage silos.
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Get started for FREE
File storage made easy – including powerful features you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re sharing photos, videos, audio, or docs.